First Month of Pregnancy- Week by Week

First Month of Pregnancy- Week by Week

What to expect during first month of pregnancy

Week 1 & 2 : Preparation weeks


What’s happening to your baby ?

Nothing actually, there is still no baby. These are weeks before you actually conceive your baby. Since pregnancy is counted from the first day of your LMP, these two weeks are counted in the pregnancy cycle. Even before your baby has been conceived.

What’s happening to you ?

At this time, your body is getting ready for the conception. Ovulation process begins. The lining of uterus is thickening. Follicles are maturing. One of them will become ovulated and has the egg.


Week 3 : fertilization


What’s happening to your baby ?

Now is the time, when you have actually conceived, that the sperm has fused with the egg and formed one or more zygotes. Multiple zygotes form when more than one eggs are released and fertilized. This means you will have more than one baby.

What’s happening to you ?

You still do not feel much change in your body yet. Infact you may not even be aware that you are pregnant unless you are looking for signs closely.


signs of pregnancy before missed period


Week 4 : Implantation


What’s happening to your baby ?

Your baby is now called an embryo. It has reached the uterus and will soon get implanted to the uterine lining. Your baby is now about 1mm long( roughly the size of a mustard seed).

Black mustard Seeds

The embryo is now in your uterus and gets connected to uterine lining, where it will remain for the rest of your pregnancy as it grows. The cells divide to form the embryo and the placenta, which connects to your baby and is responsible for providing nourishment to the baby till it is ready to face the world.

Embryronic sac and yolk sac are forming.

What’s happening to you ?

Many women experience spotting or staining at the time of implantation. This is known as implantation bleeding. It may look similar to your period, but is shorter and more dense. It is common to confuse it with period, as it occurs at roughly the same time, you are xpecting your period. Some women do not experience implantation bleeding.

Your breasts will undergo some change. They may become fuller and more tender and areolas become darker.

See more early pregnancy signs before missed period

You may also experience frequent urination, nausea, slight bloating and fatigue. Even going through a normal day of work might become too much. In fact many women do not realize that they are pregnant because they feel they are going to have their period.

Some women also experience mood swings, irritability and anxiety. If you experience these, you should use a home pregnancy test to check if you are pregnant or get a blood test done at a clinic.

Read more on your first prenatal visit.

Checklist for this Week

  • Make an appointment with your gynecologist for your first prenatal checkup.
  • Check with the doctor regarding prenatal vitamins and folic acid and any other supplements.
  • Start a journal to record the progress of your pregnancy.
  • Quit smoking or drinking.
  • Keep a diary to note down your question before doctor’s visit.

Announcing the good news

In India, it is still considered a bad omen to announce the news of pregnancy before the end of first trimester, but you do need to let your partner and close family know about it.

  •  You could simply let your partner know once you have done the test at home, show him the test and let him experience the joy of knowing it with you.
  • You could also find a card which says “Happy Father’s Day” and send it to him.
  • Bake a cake for him and write a nice message over it.
  • You could buy some baby onesies or a bib which says “I love my Dad” or “My Father Strongest”.

Do share your own ideas in the comments.


Morning Sickness during pregnancy

All about Home Pregnancy Test


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