30+ Mixed Vegetable Dishes for Babies, Toddlers/ Kids healthy food recipes

30+ vegetable dishes recipes for kids

Feeding kids healthy food can be a challenge and the biggest challenge is, perhaps, the vegetables. Toddlers are wired to be fussy. There is too much going on around in their little world to stop and focus on food. On one hand they want to explore and on the other hand they want to stick to the familiar.


Toddlers can also be very finicky about eating only selective vegetables. So, one toddler loves only carrots and other likes only peas but no carrots and you as a parent, want them to get the goodness of all vegetables. If you serve anything new and unfamiliar, the dreaded tantrum might just start. Experts suggest introducing vegetables early in the first year to make the babies familiar to different tastes.



 According to Dr. Sears, toddlers need less food after the first year of rapid growth. Toddlers also are always on the go, which means they do not want to sit still for a proper meal of 3-4 different items. In my experience, mixed vegetable dishes and one pot meals work well in such situations.

We collated a list of 30+ mixed vegetable dishes that you can serve to your little one. These are not just side-dishes but complete healthy meals for family. These are listed age-wise to help you plan.


Easy vegetable dishes for 7 to 9 months old babies

It has been recommended by experts that vegetables should be among the first foods to be introduced to babies to increase children’s chances of enjoying them later in life. Also, the vegetables are best given in their natural form without any additional flavoring early on.

Keep in mind that you must introduce any new vegetable alone first or with items which have already been introduced safely.

Pumpkin and Carrot Mash

Pumpkin and carrots are both easily digestible and can be introduced to babies once they have been introduced individually without any side-effects.



Peas and Carrot Mash/Puree

Peas and carrots are  another classic combination to be given to babies.


Vegetable Soup for babies

What a lovely way to feed lots of vegetables to babies. Our recipe uses no salt.


Vegetable Khichdi  for babies

Khichdi is a versatile and wholesome meal and you can add as many vegetables in there as you like. The recipe here is meant for babies and it has no salt or spices.


30+ Mixed vegetable dishes recipes for kids 


Vegetables Dishes Recipes for 10-12 months old


As babies get closer to a year, they can be given some spices and more variety as they become ready to become seasoned eaters.


Vegetable khichdi/ Masoor dal Khichdi/ Spinach khichdi

Khichdi remains a staple in any Indian household and  it can be prepared in so many ways. Here we have 3 ways to prepare khichdi for adventurous eater.


Besan chilla/ Cheela

Besan chilla or dosa is an instant Indian pancake which can be eaten at any meal.


Vegetable Pulao

Another yummy rice dish with loads of vegetables


Veggie Sticks

Now these are a favorite in our house. Cut different vegetables like carrots, babycorn, beans and broccoli into long strips. Broccoli can be cut into bite size florets. Steam the veggies or boil them in little water. If you have started, sprinkle very little salt. Sprinkle a little pepper or cumin powder for taste.  You may even saute them in a little butter for 30 seconds and a super-healthy finger-food/ snack is ready.



Vegetable dishes for toddlers and older kids/ Quick kid meals

These dishes are easy and quick recipes for kids who want something new often. Most of these dishes are complete meals in themselves and are quick to prepare.

Sabji Parnatha

You feel your child is too busy to eat a full meal, make this veggie stuffed parantha and let them munch on it.

Vegetable Pizza

 Who says pizza is unhealthy, use whole-wheat pizza base and load it with vegetables and see your little monster demolish it.

Vegetable Pasta

Pastas can also be a god change from your regular sabji roti.

Masala Oats

Oats with loads of vegetables and ready in no time at all.

Fenugreek (Methi) Parantha


Vegetable Tehri/ Tahri

 Another delectable one-pot meal for the whole family.

Egg and Salad Sandwich

 Make this for breakfast for any other meal, it will give your children all the nutrition they need.

3 types of Corn salads

Corn is so delicious and so versatile. Here, we provide 3 recipes but you can make it in any number of ways.

Green Peas sabji

Yummy vegetable for travel and even otherwise.

Bread Pizza

Quick-fix snack for kids

Grilled Vegetable Sandwich

Another whole-some complete meal

Vermicelli Upma

This dish can form a healthy breakfast or snack, a light dinner or even a lunchbox dish.

Wheat Dalia Upma

Wheat dalia or broken wheat upma is another mounth-watering wholesome dish

Wheat Dalia Khichdi

A complete comfort food

 8 Sweet Potato Recipes


Recommended Read:

10 proven tips to encourage kids to eat more vegetables

Hope this will help you in planning your baby’s food better. If you like it, do share it in your circle. Do leave a comment to ask a question or let us know your feedback.  You can follow us on Youtube, Facebook, twitter and pinterest.

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