Vaccination Chart India,
Vaccination Schedule/ Immunization Schedule, Precautions, Side-effects of Vaccination
Latest vaccination chart Indian
What is Vaccination or Immunisation and how does it help?
When a person fights an infection, the immune system remembers and is equipped to fight infections in future .
Immunization or vaccination is introduction of a small amount of viruses/bacteria in the human body to stimulate the immune system to make antibodies against them.
If you find this infographic tough to read, we also have it below as a simple chart.
Are vaccines safe or can they be dangerous?
Vaccines are generally safe. The benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks associated with immunization. However, you should follow some precautions when taking your baby for vaccination. Some of the vaccines may have some harmless side-effects. We will have a look at some of the common side effects that some of the vaccines may cause. Your doctor will usually advise you how to comfort your baby.
IAP approved latest vaccination schedule
Indian academy of paediatrics recommends the vaccination schedule for children from birth till the age of 12 years with some optional vaccines too.
Precautions to be taken during vaccination
Immunizations are usually safe. The benefits of vaccines far outweigh any risk associated with them. However, it is good to take certain precautions while getting your baby vaccinated.
1) Always get the baby vaccinated in a reputed private/government hospital. The hospital should have all the facilities to store vaccines safely.
2) Prior to vaccination/immunisation, inform your doctor if the child has had any significant reactions to the last dose.
3) Insist on checking the expiry date of the vaccine being given to your baby. Expired vaccine can cause serious problems for baby.
4) Always consult your baby’s paediatrician before vaccination. Doctor will check your baby for any illnesses before clearing for vaccination.
5) Vaccines can be given in the presence of minor illness. Always inform your doctor if your baby has any health issue like cold, fever etc.
6) Prior to DPT vaccination, inform the doctor if the child had developed any convulsions or fits in the past.
Side-effects of Vaccination/ Immunization
Vaccination is usually safe and most babies do not have any major problems as a result of immunization. However, some babies may develop certain side-effects to certain vaccines. Side-effects are usually minor and usually get better within a day or 2.
- Baby may have low-grade fever after some vaccinations. Doctor may recommend you to give Crocin drops to relieve the symptoms.
- BCG – A lump appears 3-4 weeks after B.C.G. It may soften and discharge for up to 2 weeks. No application or medication is required. a small scar remains at the site. If a swelling appears and does not subside, contact your doctor.
- D.P.T. (Triple)– There may be mild fever, pain, redness and swelling at the site of injection. A small, painless lump may remain for a few weeks. For fever and pain, paracetamol drops/ syrup may be given. The dose can be repeated every 4-6 hours if necessary. If fever is over 102 FÂ and baby suffers from persistent crying or screaming, you must consult your doctor.
- MEASLES / MMR – A few babies may get fever 4-10 days after the vaccination. There may be associated cough, cold and mild rash. Paracetamol drops / syrup may be given if required.
- HIB / Typhoid vaccine – Mild pain or fever may occur. Paracetamol syrup may be given as recommended.
- Baby may be cranky due to fever and discomfort. Make sure to shower baby with lot of attention and comfort her.
- If your feel baby is suffering too much, don’t hesitate to check with baby’s doctor.
- Always go with your gut instinct. You know your baby best and your instinct is more important than any recommendation given in books or by others.
What can you do, if you miss a vaccine schedule?
If you miss administering vaccine to your child on schedule, then the vest strategy is to speak to your child’s doctor and let him/her advise on the catch up schedule.
Immunization Chart By Indian Academy of Paediatrics
 To download this chart click here
Name of the Vaccine  |
Age Recommended |
Date Vaccine Given |
Batch No. |
Birth |
Hepatitis B1 |
Birth |
OPV 1 |
Birth |
OPV 2 / IPV |
6 Weeks |
6 Weeks |
Hepatitis B2 |
6 Weeks |
HIB 1 |
6 Weeks |
10 Weeks |
OPV 3 / IPV |
10 Weeks |
HIB 2 |
10 Weeks |
OPV 4 / IPV |
14 Weeks |
DPT 3/DTaP 3 |
14 Weeks |
Hepatitis B3 |
14 Weeks/6 Months |
HIB 3 |
14 Weeks |
Measles |
9 Months |
15 Months |
DPT / DTaP Booster 1 |
18 Months |
HIB Booster |
18 Months |
OPV Booster / IPV |
18 Months |
Typhoid |
2 years |
DPT / DTaP Booster |
5 Years |
OPV Booster / IPV |
5 Years |
MMR 2nd Dose |
4-5 Years |
Typhoid 2 |
5 Years |
Typhoid 3 |
8 Years |
Tdap Booster |
10 Years |
Typhoid 4 |
11 Years |
Typhoid 5 |
14 Years |
Tdap Booster |
16 Years |
Vaccines to be discussed with your Doctor |
Chicken Pox |
>15 Months |
Hepatitis ‘A’ 1 |
18 Months |
Hepatitis ‘A’ 2 |
6 Months later |
IPV 1 |
>2 Months |
IPV 2 |
IPV Booster |
Pneumococcal 1 |
>6 Weeks |
Pneumococcal 2 |
Pneumococcal 3 |
Pneumococcal Booster |
Others |
Influenza 1 |
>6 Months |
Influenza 2 |
Rotarix 1 |
>2 Months |
Rotarix 2 |
1 Month Later |
IPV – Injectable Polio Vaccine
HiB – Haem.Influenza ‘B’ Vaccine
MMR – Measles Mumps Rubella
DPT – Diptheria/ Pertusis / Tetanus
DTaP – Diptheria / Tetanus/ Acellular Pertusis
OPV –Oral Polio Vaccine
Thanx for post this helpful article. Baby vaccination is an important schedule recommended worldwide for protection against known diseases. If you are searching best eye doctor for your child then I recommend you, Dr Dinesh Singhal.
very useful information. Thanks.
adding rates of each vaccinemay be useful for middleclass family
Thank you for your suggestions. We will certainly try to add the vaccine price information.
Thanks for the collection. Will appreciate if you can update price.