Milestone Chart

Developmental Milestones during the first year. This chart helps you keep track of baby’s normal development. If you feel your baby is delayed in some respect and you are worried, speak to your doctor. To download click here


Child’s Age

Child should be able to

(Majority of children can do)

Will probably do (many children can do)

May possibly do (few children can do)





1 Month

Lifts head briefly when on tummy

Focus and stare on a face close

Respond to sounds by startling, crying etc.

Hold head steady for short periods.

Vocalize in some way other than crying(E.g. cooing and gurgling)

Smile back in response

Lift head at 45˚ on tummy

Smile spontaneously

Bring both hands together

2 Months

Can smile back in response to your smile

On tummy, hold head steady

Follow objects with eyes


Lift head at 45˚ on tummy

Smile spontaneously

Bring both hands together

Follows moving objects

Hold head steady when upright

Roll over one way

Grasp a rattle

3 Months

Lift head at 45˚ on tummy

Smile spontaneously

Bring both hands together

Follows moving objects

Squeals, laugh out loud

On stomach, hold head 90˚.

Hold head steady when upright

Roll over one way

Bear some weight on legs

Reach for an object

Recognizes mother’s voice

Makes razzing sound

4 Months

Squeals, laugh out loud

On stomach, hold head 90˚.

Hold head steady when upright

Roll over one way

Pay attention to small objects

Bear some weight on legs

Reach for an object

Recognizes mother’s voice

Makes razzing sound

Sit without support

Object if you try taking a toy away

Imitates sounds.

5 Months

Squeal, laugh out loud

Smile spontaneously

Grasp a rattle

Makes razzing sound

Responds to voices

Bear some weight on legs

Say ah-kaa or similar words

Sit for few seconds without support

Rolls over in both directions

Pull up to standing position from sitting

Mouths objects

Pass an object from one hand to another

6 Months

Sit for few seconds without support

Say ah-kaa or similar sounding words

Roll over

Stand holding onto something or someone

Look for a dropped object

Pass an object from one hand to another

Creep or crawl


Work to get something out of reach.

7 Months

Sit well without support

Pass object from one hand to another

Work to get a toy


Shows separation anxiety


Crawl or lunge forward


Get upset if a favourite toy is taken away

Looks for dropped object


8 Months

Says Mama indiscriminately

Lunges forward

Imitate sound


Play peek-a-boo

Looks for dropped objects


Bang objects together

Stand holding onto something

Pull up to standing position

9 Months

Looks for dropped objects

Play peek-a-boo

Moves in some form(creep or crawl)


Can pick up objects between thumb and forefinger

Feed self some finger food


Distinguish emotion of a person talking by their voice

Wave goodbye

Understand “no”

Say mama to real mother

Stands alone without support

10 Months

Stand holding onto something

Pull up to standing position

Wave goodbye

Crawl well

Can pick up objects between thumb and forefinger


Say mama to real mother

Understand word “no”

Use gestures to indicate wants

Stand alone for sometime

Drink from a cup alone

Stands alone well

Can clap hands

Walk one or two steps



11 Months

Recognize their parents as mama and papa

Wave good bye

Clap hands

Walk one or two steps

Put objects within other objects

Drink from a cup alone

Walk well

Understand instructions

12 Months

Imitate other people’s sounds

Stands alone well

Afraid of strangers

Move head to indicate no.

Understand instructions

Say some words



Walk alone

Say more words


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One Reply to “Milestone Chart”

  1. Neha Jha says:

    Baby development is a quick process and one can observe the effects each and every day. It is important to observe each and every step.


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