Happy Mother’s Day to my mother who will probably never read this post

This one is a special pic for me! It has my mother and my daughter who made me a mother!
My mother is a simple woman. I know she will laugh it off, when and if I actually wish her Happy Mother’s Day. It seems so trivial to express what she means to me. She is old and frail now but her mere presence gives me strength.
I don’t remember her ever sitting me down and teaching me lessons of life but she taught me plenty just by being the woman she is. Her family was always first for her. Both my parents would be up much before I had to get up and catch an early morning train to work and ensure that the geyser was on and my dabba was ready. My parents gave me wings and raised me to believe that I could do anything and that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
She was just tireless and I don’t remember her complaining about anything ever. Pettiness and idle gossip were never her thing.
Her enthusiasm for learning new things just amazes me.
Even this year while she visited me, she decided to learn Bengali, a completely alien language for her, from my Mum-in-law. It forged a beautiful relationship between both of them while they stayed together for over 3 months and there is real fondness and mutual respect between them now.
There are plenty of such little things which I can write about but nothing can encompass the depth of feeling that a daughter feels for her mother.

Author: Priya Sachan

Priya Sachan is the founder and Chief editor of Shishuworld. Mother to a 5 years old girl, she is an avid reader, loves cooking and dabbles in DIY whenever time permits.

4 Replies to “Happy Mother’s Day to my mother who will probably never read this post”

  1. Shailaja Vishwanath says:

    Such a heartwarming and beautiful tribute to your mom. She sounds so wonderful for her eagerness to learn, even at this ripe old age. I love Mother’s Day for one reason- to be able to read these lovely posts by daughters and sons all over the world 🙂 That makes me very very glad!

    1. Priya Sachan says:

      Thank you, Shailaja. 🙂 I love reading the tributes as well.

  2. Rachna says:

    This was a lovely post, Priya. I loved the picture of the three if you. My mum was a very simple woman as well, very unassuming too. Wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day!

    1. Priya Sachan says:

      Thank you for reading, Rachna! We appreciate our mothers more as we get older. 🙂


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