This article is second in the series for new fathers. If you have not yet read the previous article on
New dads and babies – building bonds that last a lifetime, you can read it now.
The first few weeks with your newborn will be crazy. The little bundle seems to think that the world revolves around her . While the mother seems to naturally adjust to the task of taking care of the new born many fathers seem at a loss. The key is developing confidence before she arrives, and jumping in with both hands once she does. Though you may not be able to replace the mother there are a lot you can do for your precious bundle that will work wonders for your marriage and form a lasting bond with your child.
Here are 5 easy tips to get you started:
1: Spend Time with the Baby
One of the most important thing you can do is simply spending time with the baby . The more time you can spend with your infant the better . The skin to skin contact and the steady rhythm of heartbeat are very soothing to the baby. Just holding her in your arms or letting her sleep on your chest will do the trick .
2: Rock Them
Babies are used to rocking motion even while they are in their mom’s bellies. It is no wonder that they like being swayed , rocked and gently patted . Movement helps the little brains and muscles develop. Support their little bodies well and rock them , carry them or make them giggle . Follow your baby’s lead and soon you will be the one with the magic touch to keep her calm.
3:Make Eye contact
Newborns nursing are at the perfect distance to gaze at their mothers face. Recent research suggests that they look for eye contact . Remember newborns cannot see very far , so stay within a foot , make eye contact and smile at her.
4. Talk to Them
Babies are fans of simple sounds – Ma ma , Pa pa , Ba ba etc. These sounds are easily made by pushing air between pressed lips . When you hear them making these sounds say it right back and watch the response. Eventually, you will be able to develop a whole repertoire around this.
5. Change That Diaper
Now, this is one that dads usually run away from . This messy job need to be done several times a day and smart parents turn this into a game. Make eye contact with the baby and talk to her while you tackle this messy job . Reward them with a tummy tickle or a hug for keeping still . As a bonus this job scores you points With the mommy as well.
Author Bio:
Syama is a mom of 3 energetic kids. She loves yoga, hiking , baking , solving puzzles and her kids not necessarily in that order. In her past life as a techie she solved problems in virtual world. Now she wears many hats trying to navigate the challenges faced by the modern family . During her spare time you will find her blogging on varied subjects like maths and travel .