There are rhymes or small fun poems for little children in every language of this world. Here we have a collection of Bengali rhymes for kids. These are rhymes that i have come to know of post my marriage into a Bengali family. Now my daughter knows and loves these rhymes.
This is a collection of some of the popular Bengali rhymes though the number is enormous.
Kathberali Kathberali
Kathberali is Bangla is squirrel. A little kid is talking to the squirrel and asking what all it eats.
কাঠবেড়ালি কাঠবেড়ালি, পেয়ারা তুমি খাও
দুধ ভাত খাও, গুর মুড়ি খাও, বাতাবি লেবু লাও
ইদুর ছানা বেলার বাচ্চা তাও
kathberali kathberali, peyara tumi khao
Doodh bhat khao, gur muri khao, batabi lebu lao
idur chhana, beral bachcha tao