1- cup whole wheat pasta
5 cups of water
1/2- cup baby corn (sliced and boiled)
1/2- cup broccoli (cut in small pieces and steamed)
1/2- cup zucchini ( cut in medium pieces )
1/2 cup red capsicum (chopped)
4 cloves of garlic (chopped)
4 medium tomatoes (puree)
10 leaves of basil (chopped)
1/4 teaspoon of white pepper
1/2 cup of grated cheese (optional)
2 table spoon oil
1.Boil water add two tsp of salt in it and add pasta and boil it till they r completely cooked,
strain pasta and keep it aside.
2.Now take a big pan add oil in it and heat it .Then add baby corn and saute it for 2 -3 min.
3. Then add rboccoli and capsicum suate it for 3 -4 min. now add zuccini in it and saute till it becomes little soft.
4.Remove all vegetables from pan .
5.Now take 1 tsp of oil in pan ,heat it and add garlic in it .Saute it and add pureed tomatoes in it. Now cook it till water reduces.
6.Add pasta and sauted veggies in it.
7. Add salt and pepper in it.
8.Now add cheese in it ,cooke it till cheese meltes.
9. Sprinkle chopped basil on top of it and serve.